Hi all. I’ve decided to try and do a reading wrap up but instead of just talking about books I’m also going to talk about the stories of films, tv and games that I’ve seen.
Snow White with the red hair vol 2
I decided to pick up this manga because I really enjoyed the anime which I watched at the beginning of the year but as with many anime there is only one season and the manga well exceeds its story so I did some Googleing and found out that the show ends at vol 8 but that it has some differentses so you should start at 4 so at that point I figured I should just start at the beginning and enjoy the story in a new way.
I guess I should probably say what it is about so I shell.
A romantic retelling of a classic fairy tale about a beautiful herbalist and a lovestruck prince.
Shirayuki is an herbalist famous for her naturally bright-red hair, and the prince of Tanbarun wants her all to himself! Unwilling to become the prince’s possession, she seeks shelter in the woods of the neighboring kingdom, where she gains an unlikely ally-the prince of that kingdom! He rescues her from her plight, and thus begins the love story between a lovestruck prince and an unusual herbalist.
strange the dreamer
this was a re listen as I wanted my husband to read it, I gave it 5 stars, Michael’s (my husband) rating is 3 and a half because it is a very slow start.
The dream chooses the dreamer.
Since he was five years old, Lazlo Strange has been obsessed with the mythic lost city of Weep, but it would take someone bolder than he to go in search of it. Then a stunning opportunity presents itself – in the person of a hero called the Godslayer and a band of legendary warriors, and he has to seize his chance or lose his dream forever.
What happened in Weep to cut it off from the world? What did the Godslayer slay that went by the name of god? And what is the mysterious problem he now seeks help in solving?
The answers await in Weep, but so do many more mysteries – including the blue-skinned goddess who visits Lazlo’s dreams …
The sinister booksellers of Bath
this is book two from the booksellers series by Garth Nix. I really like this series and I’m looking forward to the next one although I find Susan a little bit annoying with her dislike of her new found magical abilities but at the same time I can see where she is coming from.
There is often trouble of a mythical sort in Bath. The booksellers who police the Old World keep a careful watch there, particularly on the entity who inhabits the ancient hot spring. Yet this time it is not from Sulis Minerva that trouble starts. It comes from the discovery of a sorcerous map, leading left-handed bookseller Merlin into great danger. A desperate rescue is attempted by his sister the right-handed bookseller Vivien and their friend, art student Susan Arkshaw, who is still struggling to deal with her own recently discovered magical heritage.
The map takes the trio to a place separated from the world, maintained by deadly sorcery performed by an Ancient Sovereign and guarded by monstrous living statues of Portland Stone. But this is only the beginning, as the booksellers investigate centuries of disappearances and deaths and try to unravel the secrets of the murderous Lady of Stone, a serial killer of awesome powers.
If they do not stop her, she will soon kill again. And this time, her target is not an ordinary mortal.
Disney Little mermaid Live action
I’m not going to lie it is basically the original disney film with a few new songs some pointless lyrics changes a few new scenes, a few less scenes (such as the chafe and Sebastian) and some flat lines. But it was a really enjoyable film with great animal friends and I thought that Halle Bailey did a really good job at bringing Arial to life.
spider man Enter the spiderverse
well this was a really good film with amazing stylised animation which has become sony’s staple and a really gripping story line but one thing was really annoying about this film and that is that it ended on cliff ending and I’m not sure when the next film will be out.
the flash finish season 2 and start of season 3
this month Crunchyroll hasn’t really been uploading the English dubs as quickly as it has other months, so I’ve not really watched that many anime, the only anime which I finished this month was masamune kun’s revenge
disney dreamlight valley
know with dreamlight valley technically Im always going to be playing this game but I’m only going to add it to the list after a story update as then the game has a story to tell.
this month we ended the first ark of the game which I thought was good I did think it my of ended differently but in all good and I’m looking forward to the next storyline.
What I’m looking forward to in July
I always start every month with big reading dreams (whether they will come true is another matter) I have been subscribed to fairyloot for a year as of last month and I have managed to finish none of these beautiful books so from next month I would like to finish two of them a month. which are the Darkening by Sunya Mara
v.e Schwab has been hosting a read along of her darker shades of magic books so I should be able to finish the second book and enjoy her video content while doing it
I also have a few manga/graphic novels that are on my tbr pail this month it’s Demon in the wood by Leigh Bardugo
then I have audible and I’m certainly listening to romancing, Mr Bridgerton
in the U.K. tv really starts to slow down as people are more inclined to enjoy the small amount of summer we get so there isn’t much tv shows that are coming out but I am looking forward to watching Marvels secret invasion on Disney+ and there are a few anime that sound fun first one being Reborn as a vending Machine I now wander the dungeon.
there are so many films that are coming out this month that I really want to see we have the new Indiana Jones, movie, the barbie movie and I’m curious about the Oppenheimer film.
well I think that is it for this month